Cheap Milliken Legato Embrace 'First Cup' Carpet Tiles

Milliken Legato Embrace 'First Cup' Carpet TilesCheap Milliken Legato Embrace 'First Cup' Carpet Tiles

Milliken Legato Embrace 'First Cup' Carpet Tiles Product Description:

Product Description

The Legato carpet tiles are approximately 20" x 20" square and can be used to create a vast array of custom layouts and designs within your living space. The product installs easily and there is NO ADHESIVE NEEDED, thanks to Milliken's patented TractionBack¨ adhesive system that is pre-applied to tile. Embrace is made of 100% Milliken-Certified Wear-On¨ Nylon and includes built-in soil and stain protection. Spills and stains are easily repaired by simply replacing the damaged tile. Mix and match, No mess, Area Rug or Wall-to-wall, Unlimited design opportunities- all at your fingertips with Legato Embrace Carpet tiles. The ultimate DIY product.

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